Helpdesk calls me about a user receiving this message when trying to make a call. First you would think to check the licenses (E5 plus calling plan check) so let’s dig in
Import-Module microsoftteams
Get-Csonlineuser -identity UPN_OF_THE_USER
FeatureTypes : {Teams, CallingPlan, PhoneSystem, AudioConferencing}
all seems good…
As I have seen this before the solution is
- Remove the licenses and the calling plan from the user
- Remove the phone assignment from the user
- Add the licenses and the calling plan again
- Add the number
- Add the dialplan
First step depends on how you are assigning the licenses
Second step
remove-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -identity UPN_OF_THE_USER -PhoneNumber USER_PHONE_NUMEBER -PhoneNumberType callingplan
Nice… I guess someone changed the user’s phone number and MS Teams does not really like changes so
remove-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -identity UPN_OF_THE_USER -Removeall
Now add the licenses and the calling plan again
Set the phone number
set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -identity UPN_OF_THE_USER -PhoneNumber USER_PHONE_NUMEBER -PhoneNumberType callingplan
Add the dialplan if needed
Grant-CsTenantDialPlan -identity UPN_OF_THE_USER -policyname POLICY_NAME
It will take a few minutes so ask the user to restart 🙂 and the problem is solved